Your Life is Perfect when You are In Alignment
People think that their life will only be perfect when they have achieved everything they want, when everything is completely going the way they want it to go. They are looking at the perfect state of life as something that is in the future, that they don’t have it now but they need to move towards it. The truth is even when they have reached that state, there will still be new desires that will arise to be achieved. It is an illusion to think that the perfect life is something in the future instead of being present with us.
If you think that the perfect state of your life can only be experienced when everything you desire is manifested, then you are separating yourself in time. Thinking in terms of linear time is what creates resistance towards our desires manifesting as perfectly as possible. There is really no separation between past, present and future because spirit contains it all as one reality. Your perfect life is not something that happens at a certain point of time, but it is the one where you’re aligned with your highest purpose.
There is not just one line of time that you will experience. There are multiple lanes of time running parallel with each other with their corresponding alternate states of the universe. Out of the many pathways that you can take in life, there is one particular path that is in alignment with your highest purpose. The universe has what you truly desire all lined up at different points of time in that particular path. The moment you step into your true path, you are living the perfect life instantly no matter where in time.
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