You Must Use Emotion to Create What You Desire
The Secret of Creation is Emotion. Emotion is the birthing process. The Universal Mind as Great Mother birthed all things into existence by emotion. The one thing only became the ten thousand things by feeling. The very act of feeling moves and shapes the universal substance. Thought is masculine while feeling is feminine. The feminine gives birth while the masculine impregnates. Only when your thought is turned into feeling will your subconscious mind work upon subjective reality and substantiate idea.
All emotion is energy. As long as there is intense emotion whether positive or negative, you can create what you want. Realize that you can use not only the desirable emotions but also undesirable emotions to create or affect reality. A burst of emotional energy such as frustration or disgust can pull a manifestation into happening. But of course it would be much better to use desirable emotions to create on the long run. Negative energy may have repercussions, but positive energy is pure and complete.
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