You are Creator and Prime Authority of Your Life
What is Reality? What is the meaning of life? What is Truth? Once you start contemplating the answers to those questions deeply in your heart, you are already starting the process. Your own GodSelf will step in, in the measure you will allow it. It will start sending you some promptings and guidance to assist you with the process. It unfolds increment by increment according to your own unique pathway and according to the level of action and intensity you are putting in the process. It’s the awakening.
To raise consciousness is to spend time in contemplation for the purpose of exploring the “real Self”. Explore your heart and discover the golden angel that lives within it that is the GodSelf of who you truly are, another aspect of your eternal identity. Start opening yourself to all possibilities. Explore the wonders and the glory that are contained within yourself. Start now the most wondrous journey of self-discovery of WHO you truly are, as an unlimited divine being having a temporary human experience.
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