Vibrational Matching requires an Identity Shift
In the process of achieving your goals, you have to become more than what you are. Your self identity needs to expand to include those things you intend to manifest. If you identify with the person you will be when you achieve your goal, you will get there very quickly. Once you have shifted your identity, you simply make gradual changes in your persona to match the one you would adopt when you have fully achieved your goal.
You are a different person with your goal achieved compared to the person you are without it. It is not just taking the actions to get to your goal. There is a different way you think about yourself when you have achieved your goal. There is a different way you perceive reality. Without this personal inner shift in your self identity, all your actions will ultimately fail because your personality conflict will sabotage your success. When you change your identity to match the person you will be with your goal achieved, your goal will manifest in your reality without fail.
The reason you have not already gotten what you desire is because you are holding yourself in a vibrational pattern that does not match the vibration you desire. That is the only reason ever! You cannot desire something but predominantly focus on the absence of it, and yet expect to receive it, because the vibrational frequency of it’s absence and the vibrational frequency of it’s presence are very different frequencies. Your desires and your beliefs must be a vibrational match in order to receive that which you desire. You need to have it in your being. You need to get it emotionally.
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