Vibrational Harmony is Key to Full Manifestation
Your thought is always creative whether it is good or bad. The amount of time it takes for your thought to manifest as external conditions in the physical plane depends totally on your ability to recognize that your desire is a normal, already existing reality. Living with a consciousness that your desire is a reality is being in vibrational harmony with your desire. It is thinking as if, feeling as if, talking as if and acting as if you are already experiencing what you desire as a part of your ordinary everyday life.
The key here is to be in vibrational harmony with your desire more of the time than not. It is not enough to spend a short amount of time during the day to be in vibrational harmony with your desire, and then spend the rest of the day doubting and wondering if it will really happen for you. The whole question to ask is how do the thoughts you constantly think in your mind make you feel? If they give you the feeling of faith, the response from the universal mind is immediate. It is the answer to your prayer of faith.
Every thought from your mind is a communication to the universal mind. Therefore every thought is a prayer. When your thought is a thought that inspires a feeling of faith, your prayer is a prayer of faith. It is the prayer of faith that shall save the sick and not the prayer of the faithless. You must understand that there is a reciprocity effect from the universal mind. As above, so below. The answer is sent forth but it only arrives when you are in the right frequency to receive it. Being in vibrational harmony is the key.
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