Using Will and Desire to Manifest What You Want
The will is directed by desire. Action of the will without the motive power of desire is unthinkable. A being can only will to act if there is a desire to act. Purpose and desire are one, and nothing happens without purpose or desire. Therefore when you cultivate certain desires, your will naturally flows towards the expression and manifestation of such desires. The main thing is to get clear of what you want before you can set a strong intention towards manifesting it. You can only will strongly what you really want.
The great difference between men, between the weak and the powerful, the great and the nothing, is Energy. It is invincible determination where once a purpose is fixed, ends only in victory or death. This quality will do anything that can be done in this world, and nobody can do anything without it. The idea of Persistence and Determination is identified closely with that of Will. The Will is the quality by which the individual asserts himself. All of reality creation and personal responsibility is based on use of will.
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