Using Logical Reasoning for Discerning Truth
It is entirely probable that most ideas commonly held by society are nothing but a product of media manipulations. We need to take back our thinking processes and stop taking the word of “experts” and “reliable sources”. A rational approach to life is based on sound reasoning, not emotional reactions or conditioned responses. We need to reason things out on our own way in order to know what is true or not. This is the principle of living consciously. Awareness makes the difference between pawn or master.
You must create your own system or be enslaved by another man’s. Anyone who does not do their own thinking will have their lives thought out for them by others willing to do the thinking. The bosses, the rulers and those in positions of control and power are the ones who are willing to do the thinking and create systems to direct the lives of the unthinking masses. There is a very wise saying: Fools will be fools as certain as fate. Men of wisdom, make them your tools. That, and only that, is the use of fools.
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