Use your Feeling to Know Best Possible Future
Consciousness is omnipresent not only across space but also across time. Which means that consciousness exist in simultaneous time where the past and future exist together in the present with the present. In consciousness, there is only one moment in time, and that is the eternal now. The past and future exist as probable events that are happening right now in the mental plane. The physical plane is where events in the mental plane move in and out of manifestation as we travel through physical time.
The difference between the dream world and the physical world is that events taking place in the physical world are linear in sequence. Which means there is a logical progression from one event to the next without break in continuity. But in the dream world, events are nonlinear and discontinuous, which means you could be observing one event and the next moment, you are in a completely different one. This is how experience in the mental plane is like, where time is nonlinear and you can time travel.
Intuition works in a way where you connect your consciousness to an alternate possible universe by focusing on a particular choice. That alternate universe that exist in a probable future of yours vibrates at a particular frequency. You sense that frequency with your feeling. If that alternate state of the universe is a desirable one for you, the feeling you get will be desirable. Which means that you are knowing ahead how you would feel if you were in that universe. This is how your spirit tells you good choices.
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