Truth about The World and Myth of Changing It
We have been taught that one of the greatest aspirations a human being can live up to is to change the world. It seems like the most noble cause of all. But most people who try to change the world are not doing it in the right way, in fact they are actually making things worse. It is because most people don’t know the truth about the world and the myth of changing it. There is a reason why the world is the way it is, and when we learn to see it, we become enlightened about the illusion and how to be free of it.
The single reason that explains the state of the world is that we create our reality. The world is the way it is because of collective consciousness. Therefore the only way for the world to change is for collective consciousness to change. Most people who seek to change the world without working on the consciousness of the people correctly actually create adverse change instead of positive change. People have what they have because they create it. If they want anything, they have to create it for themselves.
Some people think that the way to help those who have less is to take from those who have more. They think that the gap between the rich and the poor is bad and they try to narrow it. They form laws to create greater equality between people in society. But the truth is people will never be equal. The rich are rich because they ask to be rich. The poor and stupid are poor and stupid because they ask to be poor and stupid. Trying to make them equal will make things worse for both. It is a pointless pursuit.
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