True Definitions of the Greek Words of Love
Love with awareness is true love. In order to know true love, we must know the truth about love. There are four main Greek words used for love. They are Agapao, Phileo, Storge and Eros. We know that Storge means affectionate love. It is the kind of love that is expressed through physical touch or energy embrace. You can Storge children and animals. You can Storge anyone and anything you feel affectionate love towards. Eros as we all know is sexual and sensual love. It is emotion of physical attraction.
Now the problem that we have is with misunderstanding of the other two words Agapao and Phileo. The actual meanings of these two most important words have become distorted down the ages. This distortion has resulted in many of the problems faced in humanity, in relationships and in the church. Knowing the true definitions of these two words of love is absolutely critical to living the core of life with truth and power. Truth and love are one, and understanding the truth of love is they key to living true love.
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