The Real Mechanics of Wealth and Creating Money
There is a lot of information written about the motivation of success, but there is very little about understanding the mechanics of wealth. Understanding the mechanics of things is very important, because it gives you workability in actually creating what you want. The mechanics of a thing is the way by which the different parts of it function. When you know how things work and how to work with them, you can turn the ideal into the real. Wealth has mechanics that must be understood for it to be worked with.
The difference between the rich people and the common people is in their understanding of the mechanics of wealth. Rich people possess greater understanding of how to create wealth, therefore they can create more of it than everyone else. This understanding is also known as wisdom. It is better to get wisdom than to get gold. That is because those who have wisdom can get the gold, whereas those who have gold without wisdom will lose the gold. The rich and the poor differ in their wisdom about gold.
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