The Formula of Using Faith for Manifestation
There is a formula of using faith for manifestation. Many people experience faith in varying amounts at different times and with different results because they never quite get the formula right, neither do they even know the formula exists. Faith is not an immeasurable thing because the Bible says God has dealt to every man the measure of faith. Therefore faith can be measured and can be worked with in substantial ways. Faith is the workings of consciousness behind all manifestation of dreams and desires.
Faith is substance and therefore it is substance that can be worked with, shaped, increased, controlled and directed. It is the magic power of the universe. It is an energy and a consciousness thing. The working of faith is a process and a process is a system. Faith is not based on individual to individual, but it is based on the system that the individual uses. People with better working faith have better working systems of faith. The system is the formula and when you learn the formula, you can master faith.
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