Taking Spiritual Authority to Live In Victory
If there is one key that would make all the difference between victory and defeat in a person’s life, it would be taking spiritual authority. You can build up faith, trust in God and be at rest, but as long as you do not do the one thing, you may not turn your trial around. That one thing is to take spiritual authority by actively enforcing faith through the act of commanding reality. The act of commanding is to exercise divine power. It is the trigger to the loaded gun and the point of execution where all power is released.
Even though our minds are a battlefield and life itself is a battle, it’s also a great adventure that’s filled with choices. There used to be a bumper sticker that read, “God is my co-pilot.” Later, someone created another one that read, “If God is your co-pilot, switch seats.” No, it was right the first time. God has put YOU in the driver’s seat. He said, “I set before you life and death, blessing and cursing, therefore, choose life”. God will not drive for you. It’s your life and your individuality. You must drive deliberately.
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