Taking Positive Action towards your Desires

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Taking Positive Action towards your Desires

Posted by Noctis Enoch         Print This Post Print This Post

Don’t hesitate to move on your ideas and respond to situations that call for action in order to keep the momentum going. If you’re sitting waiting for something to happen, doing other “important” tasks rather than those that you know will produce the results you desire, you are wasting time and you are no closer to your desire. You may realize that you have waited for so many things in your life that never showed up!

Act on your desire in order to get to where you want to be. Waiting will not do it. The best men are not those who have waited for chances, but who have taken them, and made chance the servitor. It is better to act first and apologize later than to seek permission first. We often wait for the feeling to be right first, before we take the action we know will bring us satisfaction. The feeling of satisfaction only comes from accomplishment, not from pondering and procrastinating. Take immediate action, not out of fear or to force things to happen, but because the next action you take brings you one step closer to your desire and you will see tremendous results come into your life.

Sometimes opportunity knocks but sometimes you must knock. If you truly desire what is behind the door, you will knock until it opens. Sometimes you may even have to break down the door to get through to what you want. The difference between using the force out of power and using the force out of fear, doubt or worry, is that when you are powerful, you know what it is you are doing and are doing it powerfully. It doesn’t feel forced but liberating to you.

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