Synchronicity - Meaningful Coincidence in Life
Synchronicity is the synchronized occurrence or coincidence of events in life that have special meaning. Synchronicity arises from a chain of causality that originates outside physical reality. Because you cannot see where the chain begins, where the original cause resides, the phenomenon is considered acausal. Synchronicities are whole packets of cause and effect spanning past, present, and future from an alternate timeline that are instantly inserted into the original timeline as a result of intention.
Synchronicity happens to everyone but the person far best qualified to comprehend them is the one whom they occur to. They are personal gifts from a great, caring intelligence responsible for the destiny of the universe. The full appreciation of synchronicity is nothing less than our personal connection with the higher intelligence of the universe. Synchronicities can be seen as little miracles through which an unseen and non-forceful consciousness manifests itself into our lives.
Every coincidence is meaningful. The meaning does not come from the coincidence but it comes from the person experiencing it. The whole universe by itself is meaningless. It is the observer that shapes reality and give it meaning through intent. Accept even the most obvious coincidence as important guidance.
Synchronicity is usually confirmation of whatever it is you are engaged in at the moment. Many people who continually experience meaningful coincidences, acknowledge them to be a kind of personal guidance. The perfect timing arrivals by the right person at the right place is commonly regarded as providential. They are paths our lives may take into the future and by which our personal destinies evolve. People who accept synchronicities as guidance embrace “the authentic life,” which is following our own truth, regardless of the consequences. This is the high destiny that the ancient Greeks called moira which is offered to every human. All synchronicities are indeed signs pointing us in a specific direction at the most opportune moment.
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