Suggestion and Its Influence over all Business
Suggestion is very prevalent in business. We are told “Uneeda Biscuit” or that “Coke is The Real Thing” or that “Puffer Cigars are Fragrant” or that “Have a Break, have a Kit Kat”. Everywhere we go, we are hit with messages containing some cleverly worded phrase, telling us either to do something or that a certain thing is true, in both instances the statement being connected with a certain product or idea. All these suggestions impress upon the public about the reality of the world whether true or not.
These advertisements seek first to arouse desire within us, and then to drive it home and transform thought into action by repetition of suggestion. There are some whose “want to” will be so vigorously aroused that they “must have it” in a day or so. Do not suppose for a moment that this clever advertising just “just happens” to catch your eye. These skilled advertisers, who are paid very large salaries, have been trained in the laws of suggestion, and they put their knowledge to practice every single day.
Did you think that you bought a certain product because you were convinced from careful examination that it was just what you needed? Perhaps, but the truth is you bought it because the scientific advertiser had exerted his suggestions upon you, first by attracting your attention, and then by the insistent and repetitive statements regarding the fact that you needed that particular product. Of course the product may be good and well worth the money but the principle of suggestion was still in effect.
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