Structure of Magical Work for Successful Results
Magic is different from normal science as in it is not purely mechanical. The effects and results of magic may not always be exactly the same and may even differ greatly from time to time. There are many factors that determine the success rate of a magical act, and that is why it cannot always be given in a totally precise manner how an act is done to create an exact result. Magic although a higher science is also an art. It depends on the emotion, the mind and performance of the user. It is not a machine.
Perhaps the most significant reason why magic can not be explained in the rational, predictable way some might wish is that the magicians are all different. Magic is the exercise of the will of an individual at the moment the magical operation is executed. The conditions for a magical operation can never be repeated. Ritual is the attempt of the magician to create, as far as possible, the most similar conditions possible for the most reliable possible results. It is all about increasing probability towards an event.
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