Spiritual Warfare - Winning The Fight of Faith
All warfare is internal. It is the fight within the mind, the fight of your thoughts and feelings. All external conditions are a reflection of the inner world. Conflict has to exist on the inside in order for it to be experienced on the outside. Thus by taking care of the inner world, the outer world follows naturally. Always remember that you are not really fighting against external forces or other people, but you are fighting within yourself. Take control of the warfare within yourself and you’ll become a power in the outer world.
The fight is the fight to believe, it is the fight of faith. There is nothing too difficult to do. The only difficulty is in believing. If you can believe, all things are possible for those who can believe. Believing opens up the possibilities while doubt closes them. Believing is based on reason and it is also a choice. You have to counter reasons for why it is not going to work with reasons for why it can work. It may be tiring but if you give up, you lose the fight and fail. If you use your will to enforce the right beliefs, you’ll win.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. The inner world is the only true reality. Your thoughts and feelings about things give tangible form in the higher dimensions for them to manifest in the lower ones. What you picture and feel in your consciousness is as real and actual as what you see in external reality. Nothing else in the visible world may support your hope but if you keep the faith, you give it the only energy it needs to result in the miracle that you are longing for.
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