Speaking Your Intention Gives it More Power
Genesis tells us that God began the process of creation by speaking. He said, “Let there be light,” and the universe began. The act of speaking is to verbalize the intent. Words have power. Thoughts have power too but it is very important to take care of what you say, for you shall have what you say. You can literally speak things into life. If you have thought evil, lay your hand on your mouth. By your words you shall be justified and by your words you shall be condemned. The tongue controls life and death.
Sound is the energy that causes things to come into being, to exist. It’s the energy that can create. And if we use the energy of sound properly, we can create positive change in every area of life. This is a universe of light and sound. Mind is light and voice is sound. The throat chakra is the center of the will expression. You express your will into the world by the words you speak. The nature of your words and the strength they are spoken with is what enforces your power or powerlessness in your universe.
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