Simplified Work - Making your Best contribution
If you really want to grow your business you are going to have to answer a single question that almost no struggling entrepreneur ever asks themselves. You want to know what it is? Of course you do, so let’s press on.
Now listen, don’t let the simplicity of the question fool you because it’ll be easy to dismiss it, but if you do, you’ll never even achieve a fraction of what you are capable of. Ok, so here it is:
What Work Are You Willing To Leave Undone?
The sooner you realize that you can’t read everything, nor can you cross off every item on your to do list the better. Because at that very moment you are forced to realize that you absolutely must prioritize no matter what.
You see, realizing you can’t do everything helps you determine what you really must be doing, and realizing you can’t read everything forces you to decide which information you must read. Focus on quality rather than quantity of actions.
Now if you are wondering how you make these difficult decisions, have no fear because the answer is simple. You have to know what you want and what you must do to get it. Once you know then you can make effective decisions about what you should be doing, who you should be talking to, and what you should be studying.
What’s important is that we each make the best contribution we can. Ask yourself this: Are you currently making the best contribution you’re capable of making? If the answer is clearly no, then there’s no point in continuing on your current path, is there? Common sense suggests that if you know you’re on the wrong path, you should stop walking. The longer you stay on the wrong path, the worse things are for all of us. Maybe it will take a few days to find the right path. Maybe it will take several years. But it’s still better to be lost for several years than to be lost for a lifetime.
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