Self Acceptance - Freedom for Fearless Expression
When a person acts with complete confidence, even for insane purposes, it fills a void in us. Charismatic individuals make their followers do insane things by the force of their personalities. It proves the point that the force of a person’s will, of his self acceptance, can be so strong that he can change the view of the masses. He can convince people that what he is doing or saying is beautiful. People become fully accepting in his presence, falling prey to his complete self-acceptance! Later on, they might wonder how they could have fallen under that spell. Self acceptance is very attractive. The one who is most congruent will control the situation. If your frame is strong enough, you can get away with anything. Self acceptance gives you the freedom for fearless expression.
The expression of complete self acceptance is the inspiration that we all crave so much. When we see others expressing themselves with self acceptance, we feel a sense of acceptance towards what they are doing too. When we see it in others, we feel it in ourselves and for them and the universe. In that state, we feel acceptance for everything that that all is perfect. There is no rejection for those who have complete self acceptance and they can express themselves fearlessly. Self expression is total, immediate and without conception of time. You’ve got to have complete self expression in order to fully communicate what it is you want to communicate to another.
Most of us think that the right to create is for others, not for us. But inspired people show us by example what is possible for everyone. It’s as though there is a cosmic bank somewhere in the universe where the great ones have their accounts. The currency is unlimited creativity and ideas. The rest of us are always trying to borrow from their accounts. Do not borrow from anyone else’s account. We cannot recreate. We must create. Have the attitude that no one before has ever done what you are doing right now.
You have to have the arrogance to do what you want to do. Behind every action that you make and every word that you say is the belief that “this is the truth”. Do not believe in wrong actions. Believe that they are right ones because you are the one making them. Authenticity comes from the permission you give yourself to be a genius, to take something that is considered junk and proclaim “this is beautiful”. Power comes from being yourself. You can never get it by recreating. You have to create. For something to be real, it has to come from within you. Do not fear mistakes. There are none. Act as if you just didn’t have a care in the world!
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