Raising Power and Releasing it for Magical work
Magick is energy control. It is a proven fact that the raising of power is necessary and the resultant sudden gnosis state in release, achieved in any way, actually works and was further developed and researched by nearly all ancient and modern magicians and shamans. Naturally, a magician has to be able to have many other methods of achieving gnosis at their command and the development of many other techniques to attain and control the “pent up” and potential power when whatever forms are utilized.
All magic is done using the subconscious mind. The conscious mind directs the subconscious mind with magical instructions. Therefore, the subconscious mind must have the magical “intent” implanted in it somehow, so that it can “unconsciously” manipulate “aetheric” information to bring about the desired result. Impressing the magical intent onto the subconscious mind requires enough force and a specific state of mind for it to happen, energetically altering the subconscious mind to alter reality.
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