Purchasing the Best Things in Life for Yourself
When you seek to manifest wealth and power, you must act in alignment with being abundant. Do you go about presenting the outward appearance of poverty and lesser quality? In all the things that you have to use now, or buy now, be sure to get the best. To seek that which is cheap is to express fear that you will become poor if you buy that which is good, and that which is sold at a fair price. You cannot afford to have the attitude of fear, of being afraid to get the best. You must have the abundant mindset.
Do you not spend money just for show, but get that which is best for you to use and which looks best to you. If you do not have enough money to buy a whole set of best things, buy one of those things in the set and believe that you will be able to buy the rest later on. Wear the best and think of yourself as a person who wears the best. Do not form a mental picture of yourself as poorly or cheaply dressed. The best does not have to be the most expensive. But get that which is of great quality and not inferior.
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