Psychic Seduction - Turn Others On with Your Mind
When you use psychic seduction on others, your thought will originate within their mind. It is because your mind and their mind are one Mind. They will be thinking the thoughts of interest, desire and attraction that you project towards them, and they will think it was their idea. Therefore sometimes when you find yourself noticing someone and thinking thoughts of interest or attraction for no apparent reason, it may not actually be originally your idea but are thoughts directed from that person to you.
The alpha state is the key state for psychic seduction. When you are in this state, the effect will be the most pronounced on the mind of the person you are influencing. Your thoughts will be able to get to them with greater clarity and force. The alpha state is where your consciousness is in vibrational resonance with the planet’s frequency, therefore your thoughts will have greater ability to materialize. Visualization works best in the dreamlike state because it is the link between the physical and mental world.
Being in theta state is more powerful but most people are unable to achieve a conscious theta state. The theta state is the point just before you fall asleep, the instant before. You can remember starting to fall asleep as you are in very deep alpha, just approaching theta. But the actual moment of theta is the moment of amnesia. You almost never recall the exact point where you fell asleep. The conscious theta state occurs also when you become conscious in a dream. You can influence in that state.
The difference between mind power in the two states is that, if you were visualizing your fingers touching someone in an erotic way while you were in an alpha state, the person would feel a slight tingling or warm erotic sensation followed by thoughts of you. It is subtle but it works. If you were in a conscious theta state, the person would actually feel the touch as if your actual physical hand was actually touching them in person. That is how real it would feel for them! This is the power of altered mind states.
The most important aspect of psychic seduction is mental touching. Use your mental sense of touch to erotically caress them with your hand. Even if you loose the entire image of the person, it is alright. Just concentrate on the area of their body that you are touching. It is this magic touch that will drive them into a frenzy and eventually draw them to you. You create in your mind what you are doing to them and what they are experiencing. Let your fingers and hands explore the different areas of their body.
No other mental ability can compare with touch and there is no way the person can avoid it. If you only do it for five minutes, you can create effects that will last hours. The person will begin to feel warmth, tingling, hardness, wetness and a turned on feeling. The longer you use this magic touch, the excitement that will build up in the person will be hard to resist and they will have a strong attraction towards you, even if they don’t know who you are. They can’t fight the feelings as it is coming from within them.
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