Power of Persuasion - Key to Moving Consciousness
The secret of the universe is the power of persuasion. Persuasion is the one key to getting what you want, becoming rich and having success in anything. Without persuasion, nothing gets done. It is about persuading yourself and others. Persuasion is about moving consciousness, and when you can move consciousness, you can move anything in the universe. All persuasion is persuading to take action whether mental or physical action. All wealthy and successful people are masters of persuasion.
You may have had certain ideas against using persuasion because you think it is manipulation. But those are limiting beliefs that you have which are stopping you from success. The use of persuasion for wrongful purposes is manipulation, but the natural use of persuasion is for direction. People want to be directed in a way that makes them eager and comfortable with taking action to benefit themselves. We all naturally want to be led into doing what’s good for us by someone who can show us the way.
Realize that perception creates reality. Persuasion is about changing the perception of people in order to change their reality. It is about helping others to see things in a different way that they didn’t see before. In order to use persuasion, you first have to persuade yourself about the use of persuasion. You have to change your perception of persuasion. When you can shift your perception and beliefs about reality to those who’re wealthy and successful, you can use the power of persuasion the way they use it.
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