Planes of Reality - Multidimensional Universe

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Planes of Reality - Multidimensional Universe

Posted by Noctis Enoch         Print This Post Print This Post

There are different planes of reality. The physical plane is the first one. The rest of the other planes beyond it are considered the mental plane as a whole.

Of all seven states of matter, the highest state is thought wave. Thought wave is the mental plane of reality. It is the universal plane that is made up purely of thought or mindstuff.

The mental plane has many levels. They differ in terms of vibrational rate from one level to the next. The finer the vibration, the higher the plane. It is not actually physically higher in position but inner in dimension. The mental plane of reality begins with the second plane after the physical and onwards.

The second plane of reality within the physical plane is the etheric plane. Everything in the physical plane coexists in physical and etheric state. Your body exists simultaneously as solid and thought wave. You coexist in the first and sixth state of matter. An electron exist simultaneously as a particle and a wave.

Two things cannot occupy the same space unless they are of different space densities. The physical and etheric plane can coexist in the same space-time because they are out of phase with each other. But the space-time of the physical and etheric planes are in sync with each other.

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