Personality is the Only Thing that Attracts Love
The only thing that wins or causes love is personality. If you have distinctive personality, you will be loved whether you have physical beauty or not. Your personality may have flaws and not be entirely beautiful from an artistic point of view, but if you are an advancing soul, not only is somebody going to love you but in time to come everyone will love you. Love is the energy of life, and one who has more life in them attracts more love from others. Love motivates you to become a better person for those you love.
What everyone seeks is more of life, larger existence and more complete living. We are always drawn to someone who is living largely and completely, and one who has an advancing personality. Such is the meaning of being bright, lively, cheerful, fun, carefree, interesting, exciting and positive. The essence is that this person expresses live fully. No one is attracted to someone who is dull, dreary, miserable, boring, unhappy and negative. People want more life and not less. Those who give it are the loved.
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