One Consciousness which Everything exists From
Everything in the universe is consciousness. Space and time in all planes of reality are only projections within universal consciousness. There really is no here or there for everything is at one place where Mind is. Mind does not move at all. Mind simply Is. Mind is everywhere yet nowhere. Mind is nowhere but Here, Now. We are all existing together as a singularity in one place and time. Everything is one, Here and Now.
Several events in different places that are moving in synchronization may actually be the movements of the same event. Imagine a fighter jet flying in the sky, with several video cameras recording its movements from different angles. Each recording is displayed on different screens. When the fighter jet displayed on one screen turns or moves in a different direction, all other fighter jets in the other screens simultaneously move in a correlated manner.
Every day experience is a projected reality where things only appear to be separated in time and space. In a deeper reality, we are all members of the same body. When one part of the body moves, every other part is instantly affected. Separation is an illusion. There is a dimension of reality where we are all inseparably one. When we feel love in any form, it has the effect of beginning to shatter that illusion.
When two electrons collide, they exchange energy and information with each other. From then onwards, no matter where one electron is, you will be able to tell the location and momentum of the other. When a change occurs in one electron, it will immediately be reflected in the other. You are always able to know in one, what is going on in the other. When you cause change in one, you cause change in the other. We exchange portions of our energy fields with each other when we come into contact, therefore we remain inseparably connected at all times.
Imagine the universe is an ocean and each of us is a wave in that ocean. The wave and the ocean are the same. We are the universe localized in a single point in spacetime. The soul has two parts. It is both local and nonlocal. Part of you is localized and part of you is nonlocal, and connected to everything. You are the universe, located in your body. Not all your thoughts, wishes and desires are actually your thoughts, wishes and desires. Part of them are the very intentions of the universe.
The spirit in me is the same as the spirit in you, and the spirit in all beings. Enlightenment is the realization that you are the universal spirit observing from a particular point of view. Each of us is the universal spirit projecting a particular point of view. My self is inseparable from all that exists, just as your self is inseparable from all that exists. You are an aspect of infinite intelligence, and infinite intelligence is the source of all that exist. Therefore you are the source of all that exist and you create your own experience. Everything is possible because everything exists within you. The same unbounded potential of the infinite spirit also resides in each and every one of us.
Your soul is the reflection of all souls. You are the Other. Without the other, you would not exist. You are defined by your relationships with others. You would need to describe the whole universe in order to define a single person. Therefore every single person is the whole universe. Your soul is both personal and universal at the same time. Everyone is a reflection of yourself. You are in a hall of mirrors where every reflection of yourself appears different. Others you admire reflect the qualities you most cherish in yourself. Others you detest reflect the qualities you most deny in yourself. Each person you see is a different version of you.
All the cells in your body start from just one cell. That one cell in the womb is fertilized, grows and divides into two. The two cells grow and divide into four. This process happens fifty times until there are one hundred thousand billion cells in your body. That’s where the replication stops. Just as a single cell in the womb differentiates into brain cells, nerve cells and retinal cells, and through them give us experience of the world, so does the single spirit differentiates into all observers and observations, inner world and outer world.
The outer world is a mirror of yourself at any place and time. If you want to know the state of your personal consciousness, just look around and see what is happening to you. If you want to know the state of the collective consciousness, just look around at what is happening in the world. Your personal reality is synchronistically orchestrated by your sense of self at all times. If a critical mass of people expressed their higher selves, they would cause a transformation in collective consciousness and the world reality. Every time a person rises in personal consciousness, he moves the state of the world towards a higher one than before.
The whole universe is one reality which is pure consciousness. Pure consciousness is absolute existence. God makes things through the direct act of becoming the things which He creates. In the beginning the One differentiated into the many. The One entered into the many and became the Self of each. The being within everything is the One. When you merge with this nonlocal self, you become one with the Self of all that exist. The One is the Higher Self of all. You are the One.
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