Metaphysics - Beyond the Physical into the Spiritual
All things are governed by universal laws, whether physical or spiritual. In everything there is order. There is a system of design by infinite intelligence. He is a being known as God and many other names. The universal laws are simply an extension of his being.
Meta means above, beyond and behind.
Metaphysical means beyond the physical realm and into the spiritual realm. The metaphysical and physical realm are not two separate realities but they are just different levels of the same reality.
Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that examines the fundamental nature of all reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, appearance and substance, form and essence.
To call one a metaphysician in this traditional, philosophical sense indicates nothing more than his or her interest in attempting to discover what underlies everything.
To examine the nature of physical reality, we must do so from a level above it. Einstein said that we can never solve a problem in the same level of consciousness that it was created with. We have to advance to a higher level to deal with it powerfully.
All things psychological have a spiritual basis behind them. Reality is ultimately the result of spiritual factors.
The Metaphysics was divided into three parts, now regarded as the traditional branches of Western metaphysics, called (1) ontology, (2) theology and (3) universal science. There were also some smaller, perhaps tangential matters: a philosophical lexicon, an attempt to define philosophy in general and several extracts from the Physics repeated verbatim.
Ontology is the study of existence; it has been traditionally defined as ‘the science of being qua being’.
Theology means, here, the study of God or the gods and of questions about the divine.
Universal science is supposed to be the study of so-called first principles, which underlie all other inquiries; an example of such a principle is the law of non-contradiction: A = A, A not = B, Not both A and B. In other words, the elementary laws of logic as Aristotle knew them.
There is an absolute science to all things spiritual and it isn’t mysterious at all. It is only mysterious according to the level of awareness we have. The higher our level of awareness is, the more the mystery is resolved. – Mind Reality
Metaphysics is Mind Science, Universal Science and Spiritual Science.
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