Mental Matrix of Reality - World is Simulation

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Mental Matrix of Reality - World is Simulation

Posted by Noctis Enoch         Print This Post Print This Post

Some people think that the physical universe is different from the mental planes of reality. But the physical universe is really not as physical as it seems. In fact, it is just another layer of the mental universe. Time and space does not exist in the physical universe only, it also does exist on the other planes of reality. Except it is experienced differently on those planes.

The entire universe is a hologram. The world is simply a simulation, like a computer program. All levels of reality are part of that same program. Everything physical is only a concept in the mind of God. As he imagines it to be, we experience it to be. Reality is a mental construct. The rules of physics are just there to “govern” how the physical universe operates. The universal mind which governs the laws of the physical universe only allows it them to be superceded when it permits.

We are living in the matrix. This is not a computer generated but a mind generated world. It is generated by the universal mind which is partly the mind of God and partly the collective consciousness of the people alive.

Do our five senses really operate as energy receptors carry energy in the form of electrical impulses along nerves to the brain in order to be processed by the mind as information? Are we really not able to see the world around us when the electrical impulses are cut off? Does our life support system really operate as blood carrying oxygen from the air that we breathe to our body cells in order to nourish and repair them? Are we really not able to process energy without the means of our blood?

While looking at your feet, stomp on the ground. You will notice that your visual perception of your foot hitting the floor matches your sensation of touching it. This would be fine except for one thing: the speed of light is vastly faster than the conduction times and synaptic delays through the long nerves and spinal cord from your feet. As a result, you should be seeing the event before you feel it and the delay should be noticeable.

Scientist can study how the physical system operates in order to work with it. We have to follow the rules of a system when we are in it, in order to function in it. But the physical system is only a simulation to provide logic and order to how reality operates on the physical level. The simulation is only a mask over how true reality operates. We do not actually see with electrical impulses being sent from our eyes to our brains through the channel of nerves. We sense energy directly with our mind. We do not actually live with oxygen flooding our cells through the use of blood. We absorb energy directly from the universal field of energy. We perceive everything as energy directly with consciousness.

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