Manipulating Magical Energy for Manifestation
Our thoughts are creative, yes, but only insofar as they define concepts and create within us a specific emotional state. The emotional state has a far greater effect on successful application of the principle of attraction than thought. The emotion is the vibration or the underlying energy and power of attraction. Even in a state of no-thought how you feel would still affect your reality. With conscious thought and feeling, you can create powerfully. Both are important however, and each serves a different function.
Emotion provides the need, but emotion without thought is chaos, and results with just emotion are completely unpredictable. This is where thought comes in. Focused thought shapes the energy and directs it to a specific result; much like the lens of a magnifying glass focuses light. The more focused and controlled the thought, the more certain will be the outcome, so long as the energy that is created from emotion matches the intent of the thought. Therefore the secret of magic success is to focus.
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