Living by the Word - The Parable of All Parables

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Living by the Word - The Parable of All Parables

Posted by Noctis Enoch         Print This Post Print This Post

There is a puzzle of life that once solved, will solve all other puzzles of life. Have you ever wondered why something seems true one moment and then not true in another moment? Have you ever wondered why truth has different effects for different people and at different times? When up becomes down and right becomes wrong, life can be very confusing. In the realm of the relative, everything is in constant flux. That is why we need a definite measure that we can stand upon and the measure is the absolute.

God gave us his Word so that we may have a firm foundation to stand on. The more one becomes skilled in the Word, the more they are able to understand life and handle it. All God’s word is spirit and they’re life. The master puzzle of life is actually mentioned by the Son of God himself. It’s called the parable of the sower. It is the parable of all parables.

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