Light and Color Therapy - Psychological, Biological and Spiritual effects
What is Light Therapy?
Light Therapy involves the application of light for purposes of healing and maintaining optimum health. It is a natural and noninvasive therapy without side effects and is extremely powerful in the field of prevention. Light therapy goes hand in hand with all other forms of holistic health care and can be inexpensively self-administered.
Natural light, containing the full spectrum of its component colors, including UV and infrared, is a basic human nutrient and is necessary for optimum health.
Malillumination is similar to malnutrition in that natural light, with its full spectrum of radiation, including ultraviolet and infrared radiation, is a life-sustaining element and a basic human nutrient. Exposure to natural light is necessary for overall human wellness and longevity. Light therapy treats the effects of “malillumination.”
Artificial Full-Spectrum Light
Natural daylight is a true “white” light, which contains a balance of energy throughout the entire range of the visible spectrum. Full-spectrum lighting is the most accurate reproduction of natural sunlight available.
What is Color Therapy?
Color Therapy (also called chromotherapy or chromatherapy) is the application of color in various ways for purposes of healing and maintaining optimum health. It is a natural and noninvasive therapy without side effects, and is extremely powerful in the field of prevention.
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