Letting Go allows You to Flow in Abundance
Release is an aspect of circulation. Release things that you no longer need or desire in your life. When you give material things away that you no longer use or want, you make room for what you want to come into your life. Sell or give those things away to people who find better value in them. Release friends and people who no longer serve in your best interest because of their limited mindset or negativity, to make room for new and better ones that do. When you release or leave the lesser, you’ll find that the better thing or person you’ve been waiting for will be able to show up.
Let go of negative emotions due to loss so that you can allow positive restoration to enter. When you hold a grudge, essentially you are denying your connection to creation. You somehow think that you can be made a lesser person, or that your wealth can be taken away, or even that someone can do irreparable harm to you. All those things are impossible. You have as part of your basic nature all you need to be whole. You have that because you are made of the substance that makes everything.
If someone steals from you, or if your property is damaged, you can easily replenish it, provided you are in the flow. If someone hurts your body, miracles can heal it, provided you are in the flow. If someone belittles you, the knowledge of who you are and what your potential is, casts off the remarks like water on a duck’s back, provided you are in the flow.
Unresolved grudges deny who you are. They seem to give truth to your limitations and vulnerability. Then by your invitation, the flow appears to be cut off. Since the flow can’t actually stop, what is happening? Well, the flow is simply creating what you’re expecting. When you think you can be irreparably injured, that is what manifests. When you think someone can take away your abundance, or a part of it, that is what manifests.
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