Knowing What Girls Need in Troubled Situations
Many guys are clueless about what girls want or need, and they either say or do the wrong things. They cause girls to end up getting more hurt and wonder what the heck is going on. Girls also wonder why the guys don’t seem to get it. That is why awareness and understanding is vital in relationships. When you have awareness, you would not experience the problem because you do not even create it. Sometimes the truth of a matter is counter intuitive to what we think. Realization clears the matter at once.
What girls need is affirmation and emotional validation. They need positive energy and reinforcement of who they are from you. It is more of an energy thing than it is about information. Guys would try to offer them data and left brained help when their true need is emotional. It’s so easy to give them what they want when you realize that their need is so simple. You don’t need to wreck your brains trying to figure out how to help them handle their problem. That’s not your problem. You only need to express love.
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