Keep your Intentions Secret for Them to Work
There is one key factor that makes the difference between the degrees of success among intentions. That key factor is the practice of secrecy. There are reasons why intentions that are kept secret tend to succeed better than those that aren’t. This is something that many people are not aware about. When you understand why secrecy empowers the manifestation of intentions, you would have greater prowess over your reality creation work. The secret of secrecy is the magic touch to manifestation work.
In ancient times of the mystical arts, all magical work was done in secret. This is especially so for the case of altering reality. A magician worked to manipulate universal forces to accomplish results that were often considered impossible by the common people. In essence, magic was the act of defying consensus reality. As we know that all of reality exists within consciousness, a magician was going against collective consciousness. The only way was to work at the level of the collective unconsciousness.
According to the law of freewill, when you are aware of an aspect of reality that no other being in your world is aware of, that aspect is open to alteration by your thoughts. When other beings are conscious of that aspect as well, then there would be a battle of freewill in determining the condition of that aspect of reality. The way to manipulate reality without violating the law of freewill against other beings is to do so in areas that they are not aware of. The power of secrecy is what keeps others in a state of sleep.
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