Intend Naturally with Non-Intending Intention
When you have the consciousness of having no possessions at all, you can have everything. When you can give it all up, that is when you can have it all. As long as you are attached, you are holding yourself in a vibrational pattern that is apart from your desire. When you are detached, you are in a state of not-not having. Therefore you cannot-not have anything you desire. You are in vibrational harmony with the source, and everything you desire is there with you, regardless of when and where it manifest.
Non-intending intention is when you do not try to intend anything. You simply go with the flow of not having any cares or intentions, and then when the desire arises, you allow yourself to concentrate on feeling it fully. You visualize whatever desires that come to mind. You think whatever affirmations come to you. Then when it the moment is passed, you let it go and clear your mind to zero. That’s how you intend the natural way. You do not force anything and neither do you resist your desire when it comes.
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