Intend and Act from a Place of Love and not Fear
In everything we think and do, there are only two positions that we are intending and acting from. Fear or love. You can have the same intention or action but it can be either fear based or love based. The same intention or action will have two different effects on reality depending on the kind of energy that goes along with it. When you act and intend out of fear, you attract corresponding conditions created by fear. When you act and intend out of love, you attract corresponding conditions created by love.
Thoughts and actions of courage can be fear or love based. Although courage is supposed to be the opposite of fear, yet the perspective of courage can support or negate fear. When you think and act with the mindset of courage that is from a perspective of fear, you are trying to conquer your fears. The intention of becoming stronger than your fears acknowledges the existence of fear. But when you think and act with the mindset of courage that is from a perspective of love, you are transcending your fears. Courage becomes an unspoken concept. You have no fears to conquer, you are just there to act from your heart and to express what’s inside freely.
All intentions and actions that are fear based serve to accumulate power over others. You gain power so that you can defend against what is trying to harm you or to attack and defeat whatever is stopping you from getting what you want. The more power you accumulate, the more you need to keep accumulating. Fear based intention and action creates opposition, competition and enemies. The stronger you become, the stronger the opposition and competition will manifest to test your power.
All intentions and actions that are love based serve to love with power. You already have everything you need from the infinite source and therefore you are here to be a channel of light and love to the world. The more you give, the more you want to keep giving. Love based intention and action creates more love, joy, happiness and abundance in your life. The more you are a blessing to others, the more opportunities will be manifested for you to give and receive blessings in the universe.
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