Intelligence is Measured by Wealth and Freedom
It is not too difficult to be healthy. All one needs is to live life simply and not to do worry or stress too much. It is not too difficult to have love in life. Any fool can be in a relationship with someone else of the same kind. But it takes a certain level of intelligence to create wealth and to keep it. The foolish can never create wealth no matter how much they wish for it. Delight is not seemly for a fool, much less for a servant to have rule over princes. The creation of wealth is the measure of wisdom being gotten.
You can tell the order of the value of things by how they are distributed in society. The majority of people have health, friendships and relationships. But it is the minority of people who have great success and wealth. The distribution of wealth in society also matches the distribution of intelligence in society. The majority possess average wealth and intelligence. It is those at the top that possess greater wealth and greater intelligence. Such are the elites. It is a fact of life, and you can use it to your benefit.
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