Helping Others By Simply Doing Your Own Thing
There are those who benefit many others in the world not by trying to help people, but by simply doing their own thing. If you are doing something because you think people have need for you to do it, then you are perceiving lack in the world. The truth is that the world is whole, complete and there is nothing lacking in it. Since that is the case, you can do whatever you wish simply because it brings you joy. By doing what you want and like, you’ll be helping from a position of wholeness instead of lack.
Spirit is always moving someone, somewhere to do something if that thing needs to be done. No one has to do a particular thing or play a particular role permanently. You may be drawn to doing something for awhile by your heart’s desire, and then your heart’s desire changes to something else later. Don’t worry that no one is going to do the thing if you leave it. Spirit will move someone else to replace you after you are gone. Whatever you feel like doing in the moment is exactly what spirit is guiding you to do.
Some people may look down on the work of others as of a lesser purpose. The truth is that we are all working together for the same higher purpose of the universe which is the total and complete expression of God. There is no greater or lesser purpose in what we do as long as we are acting from spirit which is by doing what we truly desire to do in the present moment. Every living and non living thing has its part in nature. Every person has his place in the world. The world is complete with every work.
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