Fluid Reality allows Change of Past and Future
When you are not aware of something that no other humans are aware of either, then that portion of your environment becomes fluid, much like an unobserved particle becomes a wave function, an enfolded hologram. When no one else in the world was thinking about something then it is in a wave state including all possibilities. But the moment anyone focuses their attention on it, the thing reverts to a non-wave state.
When it comes to the fluid nature of elements in one’s own reality, it is not enough to merely close one’s eyes, but actually disengage one’s freewill from it by entirely forgetting about that element. This frees it up for influence by other forces. This is why after you set an intention, you have to undergo a period of temporary forgetting, to let it go out of the conscious mind and allow the subconscious to take over its manifestation. To be detached and letting God make it happen. Set it and forget about it.
Thus, the less aware and alert you are, the more malleable or fluid your reality is to other beings who wish to change it without violating your freewill. Having awareness of something locks it down, then only alterable by direct physical action, or only by metaphysical action on the part of beings with more freewill than you who wisely override your lockdown of that element of reality to ensure your learning lessons flow in smooth sequence.
Therefore, fluidity of your reality is not necessarily detrimental, for most of reality creation requires such fluidity before reality can be reshuffled into what you demand or request. The trick is in becoming aware of all possible changes so that you will lock them down to prevent influence from lower negative forces, and then stating your request specifically and honestly, which opens up one of those possibilities to fluidity. If your request is specific enough, lower negative forces cannot take advantage of that fluidity because it only flows in a direction that is as you specified, without loopholes or opportunity for negative twisting.
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