Finding the Gifts in your Life Experiences
Every experience has a gift. In everything that seems to be bad, there is good. Challenges are gifts in disguise. When you realize the gift, the chaos would end. It can be explained why there has been suffering whether in little or great amounts, and how to end it. All experiences are to make you more powerful and become more powerfully focused. What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger. Realize that the universe is never out to destroy you, but to make you become more indestructible and invincible.
The secret is simply to look for the gift in everything that seems negative in your life, and realize that the gift is the reason. When you see the gift, the pain disappears, like magic. The power this secret holds is undeniable. See if there is something that is causing you to suffer right now. Can you find the gift behind the suffering? Why did you suffer? What was the suffering teaching you? Once you recognize the gift behind the suffering, think about how you will use that gift to influence all other areas of your life.
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