Feeling Good In Your Process of Manifestation
Many people practice deliberate creation solely by focusing on the intent that they want to manifest. The problem with this way of manifesting is that those who visualizes and meditate on their desires are usually so attached to the outcome that the manifestation doesn’t occur. Manifestation occurs because of the feelings that you send out, not because of your thoughts. You have to be in vibrational harmony with your desire in order to manifest it. The way to do it is by allowing yourself to feel positive emotion.
The manifestation doesn’t come because you’ve been thinking about it. It comes because of the emotion and the feeling that’s behind your thoughts. Only emotionalized thoughts have any action influence on the subconscious mind. The emotion you feel is the energy of intent and the vibrational state you are in. There are two key feelings to attracting what you want. The first is having a strong desire force and the second is a state of appreciation. These two emotions form the complete manifestation power.
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