Experiencing Total Bliss and Serenity of Being
The ultimate aim of all human beings is to experience the state of total bliss and serenity of Being. Some call it Nirvana which is an aspect of enlightenment. Nirvana is the highest happiness. It is not the kind of happiness that is temporal and fleeting based on earthly issues. It is eternal happiness that comes from enlightened consciousness. In that moment of realization about the truth of all reality and the recognition of self and universal power, one attains the feeling of ultimate bliss, freedom, power and peace.
The purpose of acquiring power is so that you can do what you want, and protect yourself from harm. Power gives you freedom of expression which results in serenity of Being. When you have power you are free, but in order to be powerful, you also need to be free. Freedom comes from knowing the truth, and that’s why knowledge is also power. Power, freedom and knowledge are synonymous. The path to everything is really the path of knowledge. When you know the truth, you will have power and freedom.
Every evil and suffering in this world is the result of ignorance. People can end suffering by seeking knowledge but those that refuse to learn and know more are those that continue to be unhappy, powerless and trapped. The truly intelligent seek knowledge and understanding to break free from the illusions of this world and rise above them. All suffering is for the purpose of pushing you to become enlightened. When you’re enlightened, you transcend the need for all suffering because you are free from them all.
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