Emotion of Love - Purest Motive Force

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Emotion of Love - Purest Motive Force

Posted by Noctis Enoch         Print This Post Print This Post

Love at the very essence is an emotion. There are many kinds of definition to what love and emotion is. But Emotion in the purest form is simply Energy In Motion (E-Motion). Feeling is Perception of Emotion. You may not be conscious of an emotion but it still runs by itself in your subconscious. Love is the highest level of energy that exists. God always move out of love because God is love. Love is the purest motive force. Love is God in Motion.
A person might not feel love anymore. But love is still there. It is just buried under other emotions of anger, hurt and fear. Layers of other emotions can override the feeling of love but once these emotions are engaged and liberated instead of being avoided and resisted, the love is able to be felt once again. A person who is Authentic can always cut through all the other emotions and get right to love itself and know that it is always there and feel it.
To love is to accept. To accept oneself is to love oneself. You can’t accept if you judge. You have to accept without judging. Accept the good and the bad with equal love.
Love is the purest emotion and it is unconditional and detached. Love freely, freely be loved. Love is expressed in giving. The kind of giving is the kind of love expressed, whether it be selfish or selfless, scarce or bountiful, wise or foolish.
Love is acceptance, therefore love is trust. To trust is to accept as true. When something you accept as true turns out to be false, you can be hurt. That is why when you love, you can be hurt if what you accept as true turns out to be otherwise. The truer the love, the more what you accept as true is the essence rather than the form. The deeper your love is for a person, the more you are actually in love with the person’s core.

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