Divine Right - Perfect Good which Belongs to You
There is a diving design for each person. It is contained within the superconscious mind which is the realm of perfect ideas. There is a place that you are to fill that no one else can fill, something you are to do which no one else can do. This perfect picture usually flashes across your conscious mind as an unattainable ideal. It is something that seems too good to be true. In reality, it’s your true destiny. Ignorance of your true destiny causes you to go for lesser things that would never totally satisfy if attained.
A woman wished to marry a certain man whom she is very much in love with. She wanted the word to be spoken over it. However she was told that it would be a violation of spiritual law. The word was spoken for the right man or the divine selection instead. It was the man who belonged to her by divine right. If the current man was the right one, she couldn’t lose him. If he wasn’t, she would receive his equivalent. She saw him frequently but made no progress. She started to feel he wasn’t so wonderful to her.
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