Desire but Never ever Be In a State of Wanting
It is not exactly the word “want” that should be avoided, but the state by which the word produces. When a word is used in a different context, it can produce a different state. Therefore it is not the word itself but the state that is being produced that is of real importance in understanding the reality it creates. When the feeling of “wanting” is in the form of “lacking”, it creates a state of lacking. It is really the state of wanting that we should avoid rather than the word “want” itself.
When people seem to get what they want, it is because they have moved from a state of wanting to a state of receiving or having. The feeling of wanting is to bring to your awareness the fact that you are focusing on not having what you desire. Wanting is for the purpose of letting you know you are not in vibrational harmony with your desire and that it is time to shift states. Whenever you find yourself wanting something, shift from a state of wanting to a state of receiving or having.
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