Describing Reality Better Gives Better Control
The better you become at describing reality, the better you will be at controlling it. When you can describe something, you are able to grasp it. There are better and better ways of perceiving something, and there are more and more precise ways of describing something. Rising in awareness, growing in knowledge and raising consciousness is for the purpose of knowing reality through being better at describing it and hence being better at creating and controlling it. Science is about describing reality precisely.
You gain knowledge for the purpose of gaining the power to get what you want. It is about control. Until you are able to control something, you do not know it fully. The reason why we all want to learn anything is so that we can get what we want. Knowledge is the power to get what we want. Science deals with the study and experiment of natural forces so that we can understand them and then control them and use them. Science reaches its master level when it can control a force. To control is to know.
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