Creativity is the Most Basic of All Human Needs
We have been taught that human beings basic needs are physiological, safety, love, esteem and self actualization. These form the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs from the lowest to the highest. Contrary to mass thinking, the highest need is actually the most basic. Self actualization is the reason why all other needs exist. They are all part of self actualization. Without self actualization, all other needs are not truly met at all. There is only meaning for the fulfillment of all other needs when a person self actualize.
The essence of self actualization is creativity, and therefore creativity is the most basic of all human needs. We all need to express ourselves. We have the need to create our world, ourselves and our dreams. The need to experience safety, love, esteem and wellbeing is to experience our true nature of abundance and divinity. As creators, we have the need to create, because that’s what we are. The creative urge is the primary force of life. It is what created the physical universe and the purpose for our living.
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