Creating Everything In Life With Pure Intention
Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained. This goes the same way for acknowledge God as your source and supply. Some of us make the mistake of thinking that the results we got could have happened on their own, or were purely due to our own efforts. This is a double minded way of thinking. If we used magic, or God’s power, we should give credit.
Magical results tend to happen in ways that can be interpreted as pure coincidence or naturally possible because they can be accepted by collective consciousness. The aim is to use magic to push the limits of the possible. We become more than what we used to be by growing and stretching. Learn to measure progress in increments instead of only by leaps and bounds. Too often we look for the divine manifestation in terms of miraculous increase instead of gradual improvement. Any increase is magic.
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